Goonies Article
Posted By Keith @ 4:42 am | Post Link
Just posted a new article for the site on The Goonies: Goonies Are Good Enough
The Goonies is an iconic movie from the 1980s that has reached legendary status. It was produced by Steven Spielberg and directed and co-produced by the late Richard Donner. The classic has been watched and loved by generations. Whenever I read a discussion of a sequel or a remake, I pause and wonder why they would do that. I know those out there, including cast members, would love to revisit The Goonies with a sequel. The Goonies is such a great movie that it should remain a one-off and be left as is. Unless the movie is done exceptionally well with a great script, it will never equal or surpass the original. Nostalgia is such a great thing, and watching this movie takes you back to a time when you were an adventurous kid if you are in my age range. I was nine years old when this movie was released. Even now, driving down the coast, this movie crosses my mind. Also, living in Astoria, The Goonies is a constant reminder of my childhood. Kindergarten Cop and Short Circuit are two other 80s classics filmed in Astoria, Oregon.

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